CorelDraw 2019 – 2020, Kenapa ada yang Murah dan Mahal
CorelDraw 2019 - Original Black

Kenapa CorelDraw 2019 ada yang murah bahkan ada yang mahal? Penting kita ketahui secara khusus bagi para pengguna Software Original.

Berikut merupakan jenis License CorelDraw 2019 berikut harga jual:

  1. License CorelDraw Perpetual 2019 harganya = Rp. 11,400,000,-
  2. License CorelDraw Perpetual 2020 harganya = Rp. 13,750,000,-
  3. License CorelDraw Subscription SU 365-Day 2020 harganya = Rp. 6,750,000,-
  4. License CorelDraw Subscription SU 365-Day 2019 harganya = Rp. 3,750,000,-

Untuk harga yang CorelDraw 2019 non Original sudah pasti murah meriah. Mau yang Original atau yang Non Original? Silahkan Anda tentukan sendiri. Jika Anda menggunakan versi Original setidaknya menghargai Cipta Karya orang lain.

CorelDRAW 2019 For Mac – by Corel Corporation

  1. Design for print or web with a comprehensive toolkit
  2. Create signage, logos vehicle wraps, textiles, illustrations, and more
  3. Edit photos, manage fonts, and lay out multi-page designs
  4. Learn quickly in a user-friendly Mac design environment

System Requirements For Mac

  1. macOS 10.14, 10.13 or 10.12, with the latest revision
  2. Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support
  3. 4 logical cores or higher
  4. 2 GB RAM (8 GB RAM or more recommended)
  5. 4 GB hard disk space for application files (Solid-state drive recommended)
  6. 1280 x 800 screen resolution (1920 x 1080 recommended)
  7. Mouse or tablet
  8. Internet connection is required to install and authenticate CorelDRAW Graphics Suite and access some of the included software components, online features and content

CorelDRAW 2019 For Windows – by Corel Corporation

  1. Efek non-destruktif baru untuk bitmap dan objek vektor
  2. Lebih banyak kontrol atas objek, lapisan, dan halaman Anda
  3. Alur kerja piksel yang ditingkatkan untuk dokumen piksel-sempurna
  4. Baru di suite! Bekerja di mana saja dengan

System Requirements For Windows

  1. Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit), all with the latest service packs
  2. Intel Core i3 / 5/7 or AMD Athlon 64
  3. 2 GB RAM
  4. 1 GB of hard disk space
  5. Mouse, tablet or multi-touch monitor
  6. Monitor resolution 1280 x 720 at 100% (96 dpi)
  7. Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or higher
  8. Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6
  9. Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015
  10. Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Application 2017